This may be the last night of my Grandmother's life, or maybe the last week. Either way, her time is soon and I wanted to pay a special tribute to this wonderful lady. Because I am not there with her tonight I feel a need to at least share the feelings I have inside for this most cherished woman in my life...for I feel such a connection to her.
Grandma has always been the life of the party! When I think of her, I can not help but giggle a little. If you go to her house, she is in the spotlight, telling you a story, or a funny joke. Grandma loved drama, and could act quite well. She could write poetry and stories that painted the perfect picture. When I was a little girl, she would tell me the story of "Goldie Locks and the 3 Bears". She would change her voice for each character, and twist the words around a little bit. My favorite part was when the Mama bear said "MY pourage is too cold" and Papa bear would say, "By George, I think you're right!". She is so funny!
Grandma has always been my biggest matter WHAT I did. She was so in tune with me, and always cheered me on in my life. When I was engaged to marry the wrong man, who made me feel really bad about myself, she called me one night and said very plainly, "Amber, you know you can't marry him!" I told her that I knew but I didn't know what to do and she said, "You get in your car and you come and visit me". That is eventually what I did. I remember always getting up on stage to perform and knowing that if Grandma could be there, she would think I was amazing! She always asked me to get up and sing and when I was a little girl that is just what I did. I wish I could sing to her now...
I can't think of a more gentle heart.
Her heart belongs to her highschool sweetheart, Lorum. Grandpa and Grandma share a deep, undconditional love. When Grandma would go out of town, Grandpa would miss her so much that he would go to the nearest Target and wait in the food court, pretending she was shopping (since that is what he would do when she was in town:). I know Grandpa will miss her dearly.
As her life grew a little harder, and her breath became a little shorter, she couldn't tell the stories as boldly as she used to. But that didn't stop her from trying! Grandma kept smiling, even when the Parkinson's slowed her down and made her shake a little. I know she is going to a better place very, very soon; whether it be tonight or some time in the next few days. She is going to see her sister, her mother, her father, and many other friends and family that can't WAIT to hear her stories and smile with her again on the other side. "She will be in the other room", as my Mom likes to say. I bet the first thing she does is dance around and laugh, clasping her hands together like she used to do.
Grandma, I know I am not there with you now, but I am coming on Wednesday. If I miss you before you pass, please know that you are one of the biggest reasons I believe in myself. I can't WAIT to throw my arms around you again. Thank you for never ever giving up on me! I love you completely!
I will miss you, but God be with you until we meet again Grandma.