Tuesday, August 26, 2008

9 hours of labor...and...nothing!

Ok, seriously?! Bare with me now as I vent please...I'll have to admit, I was excited when the contractions came so consistently at 10:30 last night. They came to 3-5 min apart and the intensity increased. I called and the on call nurse said to go to L&D at the hospital in Allen. We had the packed bag, any extra DVD's I wanted to watch, my Ipod (all charged up), and Ty brought his laptop. I mosey my pregnant self in there, go to triage and get all geared up for the eventful night. Well, after 2 hours in there, what do they do? They send me home because nothing is going on but contraction after contraction...
I drink a gallon of water in case that would slow them down. Nope! Contractions growing stronger and still, they sent me home. The nurse said"When they hurt so bad you can't SPEAK, come on back in and we will check if there are any changes". Oh no you di-in't! I said, "Um, seriously, I am pretty sure these hurt bad. I have been through this a couple of times so the pain doesn't bug me as much. Are you SURE you want to send me home?" This poor young nurse looked so confused but did what the Dr ordered and next thing you know, we have our bags back in the car and drive home.
I decided to go to sleep (if possible) and sure enough at 4:30am I woke up with a HUGE contraction. It was seriously the mother...no...the GRANDMOTHER of all contractions! Ty begs me to call, but being the stubborn person I am I decide to wait it out and see what happens. 7 am comes along and bam! They are gone. If I were even 5 days further along, they would have helped me out and pumped some pitocin to keep those pains comin' but since I am only 36 and 6 days along, they sent me home. I have to go through this AGAIN next week! So here's to September 4th and another week of being great with my child.

Seriously though, I did pray in the middle of all this that the right thing happen and I know the baby will come when he is ready. We should nickname him "lil fighter"...or..."lil stinker"!


  1. Okay first of all, I love that you leave comments on my blog, I just got the most recent one and it made my day. It's so nice to know that others are or have gone through the same things that I am. I think you are a wonderful person and I'm happy that you check my blog... after all, I check yours!!! Secondly, I will slap that nurse for you, what's her phone number! Thirdly, I think you should shoot for September 1st, it's Labor Day and a great time to go into Labor!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh...Amber I feel ur pain. I was sent home 3 times with Kemery and wanted to kill that nurse. Hang in there and maybe try lots of jumping jacks or even the "curb walk", hey...worked for me! And then go back in L&D and give that nurse the bird!!! haha jk! I sure love ya and miss ya. And good luck with the "lil guy". I think you should nickname him "lil tricker"!!!

  4. oh no you di-int indeed. Thats crazy. I didn't know they sent you home. too funny! Love it!

    Cant wait to see the next Gap model! Only one more week!

  5. AHHHH! I feel your pain! So sorry!! Thinking labor thoughts for you! Jules

  6. That's awful. Nothing worse than thinking it's almost over and then finding out it's not at all. I'm sorry. Remember what I told you, get out there and mow the lawn! Just keep in mind once he gets here there will probably be moments when you remember how much easier it was when he was still inside your tummy! Try to hold out over the weekend cuz I won't be back in town til Monday sometime. Good Luck

  7. Poor thing. I can just imagine you being nice to the nurse and asking her again and again if she was sure. I feel so bad for you. 36 wks and 6 days is a perfectly safe time to deliver. I wander what your Dr was up to? Maybe he was in the middle of a really good movie or something. Jeez! What's the deal with that!?!
    Eat some Mexican and speed walk around the mall - ah, jumping jacks. That should do it.
    Love you tons and I have my phone next to me waiting for the call! (Brad was born on labor day, I think that should be your goal day - if not sooner!)

  8. Cruel and unusual punishment!! As if being prego is already so much fun!! GOOD LUCK!! We'll be rootin' for ya!!

    He must be worth it!

  9. Oh, Amber! I am so sorry! I sure hope things start to progress from here! Lots o' love!

  10. Hey! I'm checking in to see if you've had the little guy! I hope you're doing well!!! You are awesome!

  11. Amy was just wondering if it has something to do with the 3rd kid - She had almost the exact same experience with Evan. We were lucky with our new OB to that he found a reason to induce on Monday two days later, but come on - can't those nurses just give you a break! All it would take is a just a little pitocin...
