Friday, October 3, 2008

Mom's Eventful Day

So yesterday was quite eventful and I wanted to share with family members that view my blog (and friends) in case you didn't hear all the details.

My Mom lives with us and has been for about 6 months. She has been working in the Garden center at Wal-Mart for about the same amount of time and really works so hard! Honestly, 105 degree weather, working outside on your feet is not easy.

She was on a step ladder yesterday and as she tried to get down, she fell back and hit her head on a metal shelf behind her, leaving a huge knot on the back of her head. Right away, she felt whoozy and the employees had to keep her awake. She was taken over to an Urgent Care Facility and had a stroke while in care. She has had about a dozen strokes in her life so she knew she was having one. The moment I got there, an ambulance had arrived to take her into the ER at the hospital. So I walk in to where she is laying behind this curtain on a bed and her neck is in a brace (she hadn't received a CT scan yet for spinal injury-so I have the phone in hand ready to call Ty's Spinal Surgeon on speed dial) and the fire fighters that arrived in the ambulance lifted her onto their stretcher on a spinal board. I call and freak both Greg and Chad out by telling them all this (sorry guys-just didn't know what was going on)...

In the ER, she gets a CT scan that rules out any head or neck injuries. Poor Mom is in so much pain from this knot in the back of her head and she can't lift it to relieve any pressure-all I can do is bug the staff and make sure they charge EVERYTHING to Wal-Mart. So, to make a long story short, Mom is fine now and taking it easy for a few days. She is in a lot of pain, but we are so grateful she doesn't have any long-term effects from this. Unfortunately, the strokes continue to come every now and again-there is nothing medical staff can do about those but tell her to keep taking medicine to keep the blood flowing.

Mom, if you are reading this...hope you don't mind my sharing your story on my blog. I just want you to know I am so happy you are ok. When they carried you out on the stretcher, I couldn't help but cry seeing you that way. You, though, were just embarrassed and I could tell you wanted to laugh about the whole thing! It was a freak accident and it was a perfect ending to an already tough week! Thanks for being so strong all the time. You are truly an inspiration to me.


  1. Wow that is scary! I sell stroke prevention drugs to the cardiologists in NM and spent the whole day today at a conference on stroke. Please make sure Terri takes her appropriate time off work and keep her on her meds!! I am grateful she is okay. She is such a wonderful person. It is so great that you are able to have her at your home. Send her my best.

  2. i'm glad she's ok. how scary. no more ladders for her!

  3. Amber, I am so sorry about your mom's accident-glad to hear she is recovering though! Your little baby is so cute and it has been fun to see the updates on your blog!

  4. Wow that doesn't sound like much fun. I hope your mom is doing okay. Tell her I'm thinking of her and I hope she gets feeling better soon.

  5. Oh my goodness. Poor Terri!! My mouth was on the floor just imagining all of this! I feel so bad for her and for you and I bet you were so scared! I hope she feels better soon and I wish there was something they could do about the strokes. That is serious stuff! Please keep me updated.

  6. What a story! So glad to hear your Mom's okay! I've been in your shoes, words cannot express how hard it is to feel so helpless when your mother is being carted away on a stretcher. Please let me know if you need anything!

  7. So Sorry to hear about that, but I'm soo glad she's ok!
