Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sweet Home...Alabama?!

Well, it's official! We are moving our family to Alabama for a great job opportunity. We are so sad to leave the wonderful friends we have made since we moved here to McKinney. We will miss you ALL but we know that with this blog, facebook, email, etc we can keep in touch! I thank the Lord for guiding us here and look forward to what He has in store for us in Montgomery.

On top of that, my Mom fell and hit her head last week on the ice. After receiving a blessing from our friends down the street, we were on our way to the ER. From there, she learned her head bled from the blow and had to go to ICU. After 2 MRI's and 2 CT scans, as well as a week in the hospital, Mom is doing much better! She is home today and we are happy to have these next few weeks to spend with her before we move. I have a testimony of priesthood blessings! She was able to be diagnosed with other problems as a result of her injury through the MRI's and CT scans. Now Dr's have been able to help her other issues and hopefully prevent upcoming strokes/heart attacks with future surgery. It has been a crazy week but we are looking at the blessings along the way and thank our Heavenly Father for keeping us safe in his hands.



  1. Congrats!!! I bet it's a bittersweet feeling but we're excited for Ty and a great job opportunity (heaven knows we could use one!) I can't believe you're leaving. Hal and I think the world of you guys. Keep in touch!!

  2. I can't believe you're leaving? But with change comes great opportunity. We hope Ty enjoys his new job and you feel welcomed in Alabama. They are lucky to have you! You will definitely be missed....I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing your friendly face each week. Best of luck to you guys! And please let me know if there is anything I can do to help as you pack up.

  3. I'm glad your mom is doing better. Scary stuff!

    Still hard to believe you're moving. But I'm really excited for you guys though! We better keep in contact and talk at least once a day. haha!
    It's kinda fun to have another place to visit. Let's for sure plan a summer trip. Any ideas of how I can break this one to Connor?? humm...
    Love you tons!!!

  4. Alabama! Wow that is really exciting. I've never been to Alabama but it sure is a fun word to say. You'll have to keep us all posted and let us know how it is. I hope your Mom is okay, wow, that is really scary.

  5. I am excited for you guys. It will be fun to experience Alabama. They will just love you and your gorgeous little boys.

  6. I can't believe you guys are moving, but we're excited for you. When are you leaving? Sounds like it will be soon!
