Saturday, December 22, 2007

The year 2007

This year has been kinda unlucky! Between Ty's herniated and reherniated back, the kids' illnesses and my broken foot (now includes 2 screws to hold it in place) we are happy to bid farewell to the year 2007-"Don't let the door hit ya in the butt on the way out"! But we are very thankful for all we have! We have great friends around the globe that we keep in touch with, we have our health, and a roof over our heads. We have awesome families and Ty has a good job. There are so many things to be grateful for and the biggest is the opportunity to be members of the true church. We are so blessed and we wish every one of you reading this (all 4 of you;)a Merry Christmas and a great new year! Loves!


  1. hey amber, found your blog thru jenny f's. small world, eh?? i'll have to show it to rylei and she'll be so excited to see brock.
    merry christmas!!

  2. oh, my blog is, can i put you on my friends link??

  3. Tell me about it.... we are ready to say adios to 2007 as well. What a year! And most of our's happened since Sept.! We finished it off with a hellish redeye flight last night with three barfing and 1 screaming child- but we're home and not going ANYWHERE for a while! Happy New Year! Let's make 2008 GREAT!!!

  4. i couldn't put the kids to bed without stopping to check my mail. i'm so pathetic. but i know you understand.
    love the new blog, its so cute! I wish i was that creative.
    we had a blast again. still can't believe what a small world it is. crazy crazy.
    c u tomorrow

  5. Hey hey! I miss you guys tons. Yea for 2008! Umm... can you teach me to do your adorable blog? I want details! I made one for Chels for her b-day and it's super cute, but I like how yours doesn't move when you scroll down! Can you teach me please!? Love you!
