Thursday, May 15, 2008


Notice the power ranger in one hand and ball in the other...that takes concentration.
Our designated pitcher!

I have to say that Ty is a great baseball playeh...he is good at every sport actually. We played on a coed team (softball) before moving here and in one night he hit 3 homeruns, twice calling where it was going to go. I usually wouldn't brag about this sort of thing but watching him the other night brought back so many memories and I felt so bad that he really can't play sports anymore. He injured his back a couple of years ago and has to put all those things he loves on hold. The other night, the boys got out and played a little.
Now that Brock is out of the soccer season, he has taken up a love for yet another sport-BASEBALL! We love going to watch the Roughriders play on Friday nights because there is a huge fireworks show at the end. But watching my boys play in the backyard is even better.

It's outta there!

Lil' Ty and GQ enjoy having their pictures taken! All in all it was a fun night. I love playing outside with da boys!


  1. I love the new layout! Hope you are feeling well. The boys are getting big, and so cute.

  2. Ahh! I miss them. You all look so great! Love you.

  3. So cute!! I didn't know Ty likes Power Rangers! jk
    Your kids are great baseball players..looks like you guys had fun

  4. Jenny, word is Ty only likes the Red Power Rangers! You should ask him about it sometime.
    Sounds like a fun night! Love the GQ look too.

  5. Amber, your boys are ADORABLE! I can't wait to see the new baby boy! I love your time out for women posts... you are a great example, I will appreciate my kids and hubby more today so thanks for sharing.

  6. SO CUTE! You can tell the boys were just LOVIN' playing around with Ty. The grin on Trey's face is priceless!

  7. Thanks for stopping by our blog. Your family is awesome! it's crazy and fun with 2 boys now 3 WOW were going to have some crazy houses!!
    We love Texas actually we'll be there in month to see our family.

  8. Hi Amber! I can't remember if I've ever commented on your blog, so I decided it was time. Don't you just love summer when the kids want to play outside all day long. Those boys must be in heaven getting to play baseball with Dad!
