Monday, November 3, 2008

An Eventful Halloween Weekend

(Decorating our trunk)
This year we got to trick or treat 2 nights in a row! On Thursday night, our ward held the annual Trunk or Treat at the church. We had a great time decorating our trunk and seeing everyone else's scary costumes and trunks! Brock and Trey are into Star Wars lately. We found this cool electronic Darth Vader helmet that talks for $5 at a garage sale and Trey got Brock's "Storm Trooper" costume. I was a disco afro dancing queen (ha, no pics!) and the baby wore Brock's old Pumpkin costume (size 6 mos. and it fit my 2 month old- what, do I produce whole milk or something?!). Ty had to work late but the 4 of us survived the eventful night without any tears.

(Cute Punkin)
Trey's first costume (so cute)

The next night was Halloween and Ty was able to make it out with us trick or treating to the neighbors'. We got plenty of candy (which I am looking to donate or throw away IMMEDIATELY!). Trey wore 2 costumes, since he changed his mind right before we headed out. He didn't want to be my cute lil Mickey Mouse (also Brock's old costume). Brock also wore a power rangers costume for his school party that morning...and of course Trey HAD to be Spider man (and the only sibling to dress up there...he thought he was one of the big kids and Brock was proud to have him there)!
Whew! That was a lot of costumes, candy and partying for one Halloween!
Hope y'all had a happy Halloween too!


  1. You must have some cream in 'dem tatas, mama! ;0)
    Your boys are adorable Amber! How you have it so together with a two month old is amazing. But I forget that with each kid, you have to jump back into real life faster each time.

  2. We love trunk or treats! Who ever came up with the concept is a genius! Your boys look cute in their costumes.

  3. You guys always have so much fun! I wish we did trunk or treating. Maybe when we're out of BYU and living somewhere else?! We'll see. Way to improvise on costumes. I am truly sad that there are no disco queen/afro pictures of you.
