Friday, September 17, 2010

Heavenly Cupcakes

I think I found a new favorite!  We had a YW recipe activity.  We were to bring 3 favorite FHE recipes and this was one of mine...(and I didn't know this was a fave until I made it).
With chocolate and peanut butter, how can you go wrong?  Notice the reese's peanut butter cup in the middle!

Here's the recipe:

Feel free to print this out....and here is the frosting (really yum!):


disclaimer: the photo is not mine...unfortunately they are gone and there is no proof I ever made these, except for my evergrowing stomach.  I blame it on my pregnancy, but I am sure it's a little of the cupcakes too;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!! Wish I could have been there to try one of these... they look amazing!
