Thursday, June 5, 2008


Be sure to pause my music on the left...Here is a short video of Brock's end of year preschool performance. He is on the second row from the top about 3 kids over. He did such a good job, but I found it funny how concerned he was that I was watching...and clapping. He kept looking over (even during choreography) and waving, then turning around and telling his friends that his mom is out there. I couldn't help but think "One day he won't be so proud to point out his Mom in a crowd to his friends." He did yell out to me as I was taking a picture and my hands were full with the camera and a tupperware of goldfish for Trey, "Mom, clap!" There is so much of me in him, and I think that is why we butt heads so much. Notice how he starts clapping for himself at the end of the song...I just love this kid!

Sorry for the messy video work-I took this while trying to keep my little one happy.:)

Getting the diploma-go grad!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He is so dang cute! I love that he is seeing if you are watching. Sounds like a little boy who loves his mommy!

  3. love your new layout, very calm and simple. did you design it?

  4. Love the design! Can't believe you are joining the ranks of 3 kids..yikes! That video is cute..haven't figured out how to post mine??
