Friday, August 22, 2008

My lil Cowboy says it like it is

(I am posting a pic of him as a cowboy b/c I swear he is developing a cute lil Texas accent:)
Brock - "Mom, you know what?"
Me - "What's that, Brock?"
Brock - "You should have 5 babies. Cause you know why?"
Me - "Why's that?"
Brock - "I WUV babies"

K,before you say "awwww", wait until you hear what he said just a few days later.

Brock - "Mom, you know what?"
Me - "What's that Brock?"
Brock - "You don't have to have anymow babies. Cause you know why?"
Me - "Why's that?"
Brock - "Cause having a baby in yow tummy makes you angwy."

So most of you that really know me can tell I am a pretty mild tempered women, but yes, the mood swings are running rampid this pregnancy. He heard me act "angwy" on the phone when a not-so-polite woman from Ty's spine surgeon's office rubbed me the WRONG way (Seriously it was ridiculous-you would have had my back, so I almost posted about that but decided to finally let it go), and I am sure he has been a witness to other cases of a short fuse lately.
Sorry about that Brock! Oops...guess he really listens...


  1. Don't feel bad Amber. Unfortunately our kids are always going to see the things we are not so proud of. But if it let's them know that we are human too, than so be it. Especially when we are as pregnant as you are right now. They are lucky you are still being a little bit pleasant!

  2. No worries Amber! I'm not prego and I think my mood changes a few times a day.
    I want to hear about the phone call - sounds like a fun story!
    I can't wait to get that phone call or text from you really soon. I will get right in the car and head your way. Love you tons and are really excited for this little guy!

  3. I love it! Brock is so cute and so are you! If he is anything like my boys then it's all about listening to the wrong things! Brayden never hears me when I want him to, only those "angwy" moments, then he hears it all! Oh, and I wanna hear that story!!!
