Thursday, July 3, 2008


My wonderful husband is 31 today and sadly I can't spend it with him...Here is how his schedule went the last couple of weeks:

June 20-leave for Utah to drop off boys
June 21- leave for China
June 28-leave for Australia from Wuxi
July 2- Fly home to Tejas
July 3 (Happy Birthday) @ 4am - get up and go to the airport for Utah to get the boys just in time to take a test that somewhere in there he studied for!
July 5-Fly back home to me:)

Whew! That man seriously is made of steel and nothing can get to him. He works so hard for our family everyday. I knew he was going to be a hard worker from when we were dating. He would hang out with me til the wee hours of the night, then get up and go to work at 5:45am. Where was I at this time? Uh, sleeping for like 4 more hours.

He got the opportunity to go to Connecticut on a Co-op and when he accepted, I cried and cried. We weren't yet engaged and I knew I didn't want to do the long distance thang so we said we could date other people...until...Christmas Eve 2000. He had never said those 3 words and neither had I (stubbornly waiting:). He was to leave for CT the day after Christmas. We had dinner with his family and in the middle of dinner (nice timing-I think he was a little nervous) he asked me if I would like to go for a drive. What was I thinking? Ummm...he is breaking up with me on Christmas Eve in the middle of dinner! So we stopped to look at the lights in a park in Layton. We walked out and as soon as we entered the park, he fell on his can probably figure out the rest from here. He was so sweet but he was not the best at communicating his feelings, he never mentioned marriage, never said I love you, and now here he was proposing and making me the happiest woman in the world. But, yes, he still left for CT and I was stuck having to explain to 3 guys why I had to cancel dates with them that very week.."uh...I'm engaged"! HA HA! I had to do something to make the time go by, right?

Well, Ty- I love ya and appreciate all you have done for me in your life...communicating your love even if it was last minute, working your tail off for us all, and being the best Dad I could ask for my kids. Thank you for being who you are
(will scan photos from the good ole days as soon as I figure out how)


  1. Happy Birthday Ty. I'm so glad that even at the 11th hour he sealed the deal.. he would be totally dumb not to. Hello - 3 dates the next WK, no not the next month, but next WEEK! You are so dang sweet and pretty, no shock there.
    I knew I liked Ty, we celebrate the same birthday! Although he will forever be 2 yrs older than me - haha!

  2. Hey Ty. Happy birthday, I would have taken you out to dinner if I'd known you were in Utah but apparently your folks don't have the a phone book, the internet or even 411, because I know you would have called if they did. That's too bad. I hope you guys are having a lot of fun. It's been a while and we should get together the next time you come up. Drop my a line or give me a call one of these day.
