Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Spiritual Thought

Just wanted to share a link my friend, Steph sent me that Deseret Morning News published, "Better Duck if you're a Mormon" I totally agree with what the author is saying. I guess I also feel like we as members of the LDS church should be used to it by now though. This article has turned some heads and made non-members of our church pretty much on the defense. It has been this way since the restoration of our church, hasn't it? We are a "peculiar people" and the world does not understand us. So, it is ok for some reason to be poked fun at and "politically okay" to absolutely close your mind at voting for someone because they are Mormon. Not only that, it is ok to publically state negative comments about this presidential candidate for his religious beliefs. We will not sue for those comments, we will not do anything but stand back and let it happen. Some would ask why? I say it is because we are not about confrontation, but to stand for what we know to be true and right. We try to follow Christ's life in that He was spat at, persecuted and then eventually paid the ultimate sacrifice for being someone the world could not understand. I find it flattering to be placed in this same category. I know what I know and if others want to persecute, then let them. I am not saying I don't agree with this article or that I don't echo those same feelings, but reading the comments section at the end of the article gave me an uneasy feeling. I feel some are getting verbally defensive and we are taught to be tactful and share our testimony. I'll have to admit is HARD to keep your mouth shut at some of those comments. Anyway, go on and read. It is good to know we are not the only ones who feel this way!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing that. Your a peach. I feel like i just had my vt lesson for the month.
    really, it shed some new light on the topic that i hadn't thought of before.
    One thing i have always struggled with was the picketters standing outside of confrence with huge signs with pics of babies in jars (from abortion). It is so awful to see, i don't know why they would even show a pic of that, there are children seeing it. Do they even know what they are doing? NO WAY. Hello, we don't even believe in abortion. Those people are so retarded, but yet, I pass them and never say a word
