Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Office

Does it seem like a year since there has been a new episode of "The Office"? Why do I miss this show so much?! I think it makes me feel better about my quirks and I LOVE the sense of humor they all have. I always get embarrassed for Michael (Steve Carrell) when he does dumb things but really that is what makes it priceless! I can see myself in Pam since I used to work as an admin for this jokester for a few years before we had kids. Working with a funny boss kinda lightened up the work day for me! He was such a slacker but so fun to work with.

So, Barbie bought me a notepad with Jim's face that says "I Love Jim" and a pen with Dwight's pic on it that said "Dunder Mifflin" THAT's a good friend:)

Anyway, I would be interested to hear who else is an Office fan. P.S. There are episodes I don't watch - can get racey sometimes but when it isn't it is HILARIOUS!


  1. We LOVE the office!!! I'm in like with Dwight!!!

  2. well, you know I am a total Office fan and I NEED it. Now!!, going into withdrawals.

    I love it when Dwight gets a fax from the future! Oh, I can't forget when Michael burnt is foot on the George Foreman grill! Oh, the bat in the office and Jim pretends the bat bit him and he was turning into a vampire! hahaha, thanks for bringing me down memory lane. I say we buy the series and watch them all in one night!!

  3. Jeremy and I love it and watch it all the time!! We're even watching the reruns because we miss it so much. I'm with you. When are they ever going to come out with new episodes? It seems like forever ago!

  4. I am definitely have Office withdrawals! I've been dying to put Hal's stapler in jell-o. Or record Andy's singing onto his cell phone and then throw it up above the ceiling boards! hehe. Hal loved it when they put Dwight's desk in the bathroom...

    We used to crawl in bed several times a week and watch the show before bed. We buy them every time they come out. DYING for that show to come back on!
